1. Jason Markk
Jason Markk , nah ini nama cleaning tools yang pertama agan-agan sekalian. Kenapa ane taruh di bagian paling atas? karena emang ini pembersih nomor satu di dunia gan !!! MANTAAP !! Jason Markk ini satu-satunya pembersih yang mengandung 98,3% bahan natural , almost free from chemical compound broo.. Bahannya sendiri pun adalah dari minyak kelapa dan jojoba oil . Nah jojoba sendiri itu nama tanaman yang tumbuh di daerah Arizona,Amerika Serikat. Karena terbuat dari bahan alami , jadi tidak hanya ramah buat sneaker-sneaker ente , tapi juga buat lingkungan . Wah asik abis ya hhehe..
Nah , Jason Mark sendiri ini pun juga dibagi menjadi 2 sikatnya gan . Ada yang Standart dan Premium .
Ini yang Standard Sneaker Cleaning Brush
Sikat Jason Markk yang standard ini cocok buat pembersihan umum atau yang berkala biasa gan, berikut nih deskripsinya :
* Bulu sintetis yang aluuuuss banget
* Handcrafted kayu untuk menyikat
* Tulisan Jason Markk yang diukir pake laser. *woww
* Sangat baik untuk mengatasi kotoran pada midsoles ( sol yang dipinggir itu lho gan )
* Bagus untuk pembersihan menyeluruh
* Tangguh pada noda membandel
Dan ini untuk yang Premium Sneaker Cleaning Brush
Kalo yang Premium ini cocoknya buat yang khusus-khusus yang butuh penangannan lebih gan , unutk suede gitu.. Berikut deskripsinya :
* Terbuat dari bulu babi yang lebih lembut ketimbang standard ( sangat lembuuut )
* Handcrafted terbuat dari kayu
* Logo Jason Mark yang dibuatdari goresan laser
* Ideal pada bahan halus seperti mesh katun atau suede
*nb : Jadi intinya , jikalau kalian mau mbersihin bahan yang lebih alus kayak suede , mesh kapas dan kulit . Disaranin pake yang premium .
Nah , sudah tau tentang brushnya yang buat mbersihin kan , sekarang lanjut lagi deh reviewnya. Jason Markk ini dapat digunakan di segala bahan dan warna. Such as , kulit , vinyl , suede, kanvas , karet , kain , nilon etc. Pokoknya disitu aman untuk menggunakan air , disitu aman untuk menggunakan Jason Markk P.S.S . Jason Markk sendiri pun dapat membersihkan noda dari Tanah yang mengeras, minyak, kotoran, noda rumput dll dengan mudah dihilangkan dengan proses emulsifikasi ( kayak pengentalan gitu lah gan , gk tau lbh lanjutnya hhe ). Nah , hebatnya lagi nih , karena terbuat dari bahan alami juga , Jason Markk dapat mereduksi efek yellowing, ataupun jika sudah terjadi yellowing di sepatu. Tau kan apa itu yellowing ? yellowing itu adalah warna kuning yang ada pada midsoles , penguningan ini disebabkan oleh reaksi antara midsoles yang biasanya terbuat dari karet sintetis gitu lah atau semacamnya , terus bereakasi karena terkena air atau kotoran dari tanah yang melekat dan itu mengandung logam alkali tanah , kemudian mengendap , terkena udara dan kena sinar matahari . Sinar UV itu juga mempercepat reaksi penguningan di sol sepatu ini. Tapi , sneakerhead malah biasanya seneng dan biasa dibilang "heat" sepatu yang solnya agak yellowing gitu -,- yaaa, selera orang kan beda2, tapi kalo kayak Converse ane sih lama-lama ganteng juga udah agak yellowing , berasa vintage beeuudddzz... hhe
Daripada bengong kaya Ikan Lohan , mending liat aja langsung videonya biar agan-agan ngerti.
Sepengetauanku sih , Jason Markk ini minim banget kekurangannya , yaa dengan kualitasnya yang numero uno ini , harganya juga numero uno banget gan. Buat 1 set aja kita harus ngerogoh kkocek sampe 400ribuan lebih. -,- gilak , seharga 1 sepatu tuh, , haha tapi kan lumayan :O
2. Sea Glow
You're probably here because you've heard of this magical liquid called Sea Glow. Well, Sea Glow is a product developed by Island Girl. Sea Glow is actually part of a cleaning system used on boats. Yes, boats! Not sneakers. I don't quite know the exact details on how Sea Glow was discovered as a viable restoration product for clear soles (icey soles), but it's been a few years now. I'll cover some of the basic misconceptions of the product, how it works, and the procedures.
Yes, absolutely. There is a reason why so many sneaker enthusiast talk about Sea Glow. It actually works. I always find it funny when individuals make videos about Sea Glow and test it as if saying, "Hey guys, it works." Duh! We already knew that. The real question is, how do you use it.
Sea Glow has anti-oxidant properties that when applied, and given a UV source like the sun, we'll enable the product to remove the yellowing found on many Air Jordan sneakers with clear soles. There is a much more complicated reason behind this, but just understand this:
Sea Glow + UV (like Sun) + Time = Removes Yellowing
The problem with Sea Glow, is that there is no single conclusive answer on how to use the product. Fortunately, we've worked with the product and process enough to show you how to do it.
1. Buy a legitimate bottle of Sea Glow. Go here: http://web.me.com/islandgirlmultimedia/Product_Details/SEAGLOW.html
2. Make sure you have available sunlight in the area you live. Otherwise, you will need to use an indoor technique.
3. If working on Air Jordan 11's, make sure to create a paper cutout that covers the traction pods.
4. Apply sea glow using a cotton ball. You don't need a lot. Make sure to cover the whole surface of the clear sole.
5. Prop the shoe, with the sole exposed to the sun.
6. Do sessions anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. The length of the session depends on the temperature.
7. Reapply if product drys.
8. Repeat
9. Once done, wash the sole of the shoe carefully.
Sounds easy so far? If this is your first time doing this, using Sea Glow can be challenging. Here are some things to be aware of.
* LOSING TRACTION If you use the Sea Glow Process, you will lose traction on the soles. The reason the soles lose traction is not because of the product, but rather because of the heat from the sunlight. Areas that are exposed will lose traction.
* SOLE SEPARATION If temperatures are high enough, you will experience sole separation on your shoes. Usually temperatures 90 degrees and above will be enough to cause sole and midsole separation.
* MATERIAL DEGRADATION Leaving the whole shoe exposed to sun will cause UV damage. You know what happens to stuff that gets left outside and is exposed to sunlight, they degrade. It starts to fade, yellow, and break apart. UV, if you don't know by now, will also cause patent leather to yellow. So make sure to cover the other parts of the shoe.
TrueSole Restoration Sauce
Quality and speed of results depend on how bad the yellowing was to begin with. New, lightly yellowed sneakers will lighten up in one session. Older, amber yellow sneakers will take a number of days to un-yellow.
Sea Glow isn't for everybody. As a result, we have created an alternative for many beginners.
* True Sole Restoration Sauce The video to the right shows you how to use the product. It's not only great on clear soles, but it works on yellowed rubber midsoles and soles.
* Pay someone to restore it
Sea Glow is still a great product that works. We actually put it head to head against Restoration Sauce and they did equally well. The one advantage to using Restoration Sauce is that it sticks to the surface easier and it doesn't drip. Imagine putting Sea Glow on your sneakers and the liquid drips to other parts? It'll ruin and stain the shoe. Below are some older videos we did with Sea Glow, unfortunately, the techniques are rather outdated in them.
3. Penguin
Kalo yang satu ini bentuknya deodorizer gitu , jadi bentuknya spray. Ini sih digunain buat ngilangin bau2 gak sedap kalo tiap abis pemakaian. Tapi ane liat dan denger2 di kaskus sih , ini udah jarang yang make. Karena bahannya katanya gak ramah gitu di sepatu. Jadi ane gak bisa banyak ngereview deh -,-
4. Pasta Gigi / Odol :
Yeah , emang bener. Pasta gigi atau odol. Kaget ya ? hehe tapi emang busa yang ditimbulin sama odol itu gan yang berguna buat mbersihin noda di sepatu. Cara pemakaiannya sih juga gampang :
- Ambil wadah , isi sama air anget.
- Larutin odol di air anget , aduk2 pake sikat gigi sampai rata.
- Setelah udah tercampur ya sikat , habis sikat lap pake tisu atau kain.
- Ulangi terus sampe bener2 bersih.
5. Washing Machine !!!
haha , thas's all idgaf. thanks for reading. semoga berguna deh :)
goodbye idgaf !